Monday, 26 September 2016

Transcription of Audio Recordings with Transcribe any sort of interview/audio fast!

If you ever feel the need to transfer an audio recording in to a text format or any other format, you are most likely to choose

Aimed at students, academicians or journalists, or anybody else having a need to convert interviews in to a text format, does exactly what it says. And it is so incredibly simple to operate and use. You can simply visit the web page, and even add it to your tool bar for a further simple access. can even transcribe a single speaker’s voice from a pre- recorded audio file to a text format in a single screen so that you don’t have to constantly switch between a text editor and a media player. An integrated audio system is used to transcribe your audio files with incredible ease. After saving your document on the cloud, you can have a simple access to the document from anywhere.

So, record lectures, interviews or any other form of audio and upload it and simply convert it. Transcription of Audio Recordings is particularly useful for the academicians, journalists and anyone else involved in audio transcription.